Our CPA firm specializes in servicing Doctors, Physicians, Dentists and other Medical Professionals with their tax and accounting needs. Experienced business owners and individuals know that effective tax planning cannot take place in April, the following year. Effective tax planning must be strategic and well executed.
We assist our medical clients by keeping them informed of the current tax laws, and help them design a sound and effective plan that will best meet their needs.
We also incorporate retirement planning, in addition to tax planning, as part of the overall financial strategy, helping our clients save time, money and stress. We have years of experience in working with a wide variety of sole practitioners to larger medical groups, ensuring their taxes are accurately and timely prepared.
Due to our years of experience and knowledge, we are better able to provide very efficient and effective advice, at reasonable rates and fees.
Dain E. Ellsworth, CPA has 20 years of experience serving medical professionals and is dedicated to serving medical professfionals with their tax and accounting needs. Please call our office to schedule a consultation at (702) 871-2727.
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